"i lost my self on a cool damp night
gave my self in that misty light, was hypnotized by a strange delight
under a lilac tree..." --James Shelton

Charlotte Rampling, Maison Européanne de la Photographie, August 2012

Madame Charlotte...

for complete photo collection, look above  :
table of contents, Charlottte Rampling

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The exhibit at Maison Européanne de la Photographie features a collection of portraits of Charlotte Rampling, chosen by herself, by photographers, Cecil Beaton, Bettina Rheims, Helmut Newton, Alice Springs, Paolo Roversi, Peter Lindbergh, Pierre et Gilles, Juergen Teller, Larry Clark, Ralph Gibson, Marie-Laure de Decker, and Duane Michals.

The recorded voice of Charlotte Rampling is present along with her own photographic work, pictures of her voyages in China over thirty years ago, when it was a much less frequented place by westerners, and photos of the adolescents in her life as they grew into adulthood.  She has two sons, Barnaby Southcombe and David Jarre, and a step-daughter Émilie Jarre.

She has been acting since the age of nineteen in English language, French and Italian films.  Her presence has been sought after continuously for films since 1967 to the very present.  The first film that I saw her in was Sous les Sables, or Under the Sand in 2000.  She was already fifty-four, and I became aware of how rarely I had seen people over the age of thirty-five or forty in bed, presented in their full beauty and sexuality, and with a certain elegance.  

For those who are too young to appreciate this, the British Indie group Kinky Machine, consecrated their obsession for her with the song, "Charlotte Rampling, I always wanted to be your trampoline".  Her nickname is the Legend, due not just to the most unique pair of cheek bones, but to the eyes and expression of a distinct enigma and of a formidable intelligence.

welcome to kweejibo stories, October 2012
click here for weekly updates and to return to current kweejibo storieshttp://www.kweejibostories.com/

past issues, kweejibo stories
We do not delete stories, We move them!  Look!

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Alice Springs fashion photos 1970's at the maison Européenne de la Photographie.........
 film review "La Servante" by Kim Ki-young, Korean cinema, 1960........                                                                                                  plus short story "the Devil and the Apartment".....by Cho

article "Teaching English with A Shinagawa Monkey" or article about short story In Search of Haruki Murakami, or a Tale of Teaching English in Bangkok 

click here
Rue Dénoyez and graffiti art
Philippe Découflé, choreographer, theater/video/film director, dancer, maker of spectacles

click herehttp://madeinoaklandkweejibo2.blogspot.fr/   Maison Européenne de la Photographie Short Film Series
Rue Ternaux, brocante antique called Pudding 
Made In France, Paris Photostorybook : les Parisiens n'aiment pas qu'on les filme (ni les photographe)

Parisians don't like being filmed (or photographed)

les enfants jouent à la Rue Ternaux, June 7, 2012

Do not film or photograph Parisians.  They have a particular sense of privacy.  

These images are captured in a delicious little corner of the 11th Arrondissement, between Metro Parmentier and Oberkampf. One starts with Rue des Trois Bornes, to the north, across Avenue de la Republique to Rue Gambey. Then, follow Rue Oberkampf, and turn into little Rue Jacquard which tucks into Rue Ternaux, which slips into Rue de la Folie Mericourt.  

the story of Kweejibo Clothing Co., on the Haight in San Francisco, 1992 to 2008. Product designed by owner and staff, all locally manufactured in Oakland. Part of a series of stories written by Soon Yee Cindy Cho, owner of the former Kweejibo, starting with page 5-9